Help fulfill the Great Commission by reaching those who live outside of the U.S. through becoming international staff or going on staff stint. Grow as a Christ-like leader by living out your missionary calling through an International Cru ministry abroad that is seeking to launch and build movements so that every person in your designated scope is given an opportunity to respond to the gospel and become worldwide spiritual multipliers.
*This ministry does not specifically send international staff or staff stint. If you are interested in going overseas in this role and are sent by this ministry, you will be served by the International Staff Care Team (ISCT).
Job Descriptions are individually crafted in collaboration with the International Staff Care Team (ISCT) and the receiving country
About 7,000 languages exist in the world today. More than half of these languages have no know Scripture. StoryRunners enables people in these unreached language groups to hear the gospel in a way they understand: oral Bible storytelling. These stories change lives!