Priority Level: |
Critical Need
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President’s Office - Global Communications
Priority Level: |
Critical Need
Team: |
President’s Office - Global Communications
Priority Level: |
Critical Need
Team: |
President’s Office - Global Communications
Priority Level: |
Critical Need
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President’s Office - Global Communications
Summary of the Job:
As part of the Global Communications team, the editor ensures the consistent quality and grammatical accuracy in copy produced by writers, content creators, and global leaders on behalf of the organization. Critiquing, line editing, and proofreading are all part of producing excellent content that communicates well with our staff members and external stakeholders. This person will review a variety of content for quality control, including but not limited to: emails to staff and donors, Workplace and social media posts, print pieces, and reports. Knowledge of Cru’s Style Guide is a must for this role.
Job description link.
About Global Communications:
The primary purpose of the Global Communications team is to support the Global Executive Team in their communications efforts to all staff members as well as resource national ministries as well as coordinate the external voice of the organization.
Bill Thomas