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Critical Need
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Ministry Support Team- LDHR
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Critical Need
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Ministry Support Team- LDHR
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General Counsel's Office (GCO)
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General Counsel's Office
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General Counsel's Office
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Critical Need
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US Field and Resource Ministries HR Team
Full-Time, RMO
Location: fully remote.
The Leadership Development, Human Resources and Staff Care team serves hourly and
salaried staff, volunteers and missionary staff through stewarding, strengthening,
shepherding, and shaping culture. From Mobilization to Legacy staff, LDHR serves staff
members in every season of their service within Cru Military.
Seeking experienced LDHR staff members to join this incredible team.
No military experience required, but a deep appreciation and desire to serve this people group is required.
Schedule an info meeting:
Tara Whitmore, Mobilization and Sending Coordinator
This dynamic team of missionaries, with a passion to Win-Build-Send to the military, is looking for top tier servant leaders (Mark 10:45). (*As all missionaries do, Cru missionaries raise their support.)
From basic training to retirement—and everything between and beyond- Cru Military (Military Ministry of Cru overseas) endeavors to WIN, BUILD and SEND in the US military context, as well as uniformed personnel in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, through our phenomenal team of servant leaders and the innovative use of technology.
Military experience is not necessary, however, a call to serve the military and a deep appreciation for this people group is essential.
We are passionate about seeing this community grow spiritually, so that everyone in the global military community knows someone who truly follows Jesus. Learn more at