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Critical Need
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People & Culture
This person wants to begin to help us make our web and app experiences into better user-friendly environments. We have an iteration plan for the web/app and a vision to increase our user community in the future. Our paid Web/App consultant will meet with you weekly and aid you in the execution of your role. 20-40 hours per week. This position can also be separated to just focus on either the Website or the App.
What we desire for the world: Women to feel valued by God and impact their communities. We understand that women are constantly impacted by what the world says we should believe and do instead of viewing ourselves from God’s perspective as his beloved daughters. We want to continue to inspire women to Listen to his word, Connect with God’s heart, and Share his word with others.
How we fulfill that purpose: We provide an audio Bible in women’s voices, resource people for discipleship, and coach women to record the Bible in their languages. We are currently working to build our community of believers around blogs, social media as well as other platforms to expose them to God's word through her.BIBLE and create resources for spiritually curious and young followers between the ages of 18-35.
Interested in more info or a conversation about any of these and other opportunities:
Email: or text at 407-376-5745